Tax Return due? Need a tax agent?

  • Do you need an individual income tax return prepared?

  • Are you a sole trader, partnership, company or trust and need to lodge your small business tax return?

Tax Wise Solutions Tax Return Lodgement

Australian Tax Law is complex and constantly changing. In addition, the GST environment places considerable emphasis on compliance and lodgement deadlines.

TaxWise Consulting can look after you!

If you are an Individual, we can take care of your tax return and assist you with tax planning, capital gains tax, fringe benefits tax, PAYG obligations, rental properties, negative gearing and salary sacrifice.

If you are a Small Business organisation, we can look after your tax return and help with tax planning, business advice, BAS preparation, GST and PAYG, business name and ABN applications, payroll and superannuation, cashflow management, as well as profit and loss projections.

Avoid a reminder or fine from ATO!

Contact TaxWise Consulting now for stress-free tax return or fill in the online form to make an appointment.

Contact Us

p: (03) 9489 0844

m: 0411 816 991


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